Preparations for Baby June
Today was an awesome day! Thanks to Andrea and Elaine for throwing me a great baby shower. It was such a blessing to see everyone who came out to show their love for me, Kenny, and baby June. It's neat to see how a new family is forming here for me and Kenny! We were amazed by how good everyone has been to make sure we have everything we need.

We haven't gotten June's room ready yet, but at least we finally started childbirth classes. It was funny to hear Kenny say that "everything" Suzy was teaching was new. Needless to say, his history of knowing the ins and outs of childbirth has been limited. Suzy
is our doula and teacher and we just love her. She is calm, but not shy. She is educated and forthright, but so compassionate and gentle. She will be so helpful to help us prepare and get through labor. We will meet with her several more times. My due date is November 12th, and bets are on as to when she will come! I think she'll be a few days late. Most people who see my tummy think she'll be early!
Kenny's 28th birthday passed yesterday with very little commotion. I made him a cheesecake, but I don't think it compares to Mama Flageolle's in Missouri. My present was to give money toward his ongoing tattoo! I don't think he'll end up with a sleeve...
Pray for us as the birth gets closer! I am praying for strength and peace from the Holy Spirit for labor and I'm excited to meet our daughter. We will name her June, unless she comes out and just absolutely doesn't fit that name :) As for a middle name, we are keeping it a secret, so if I told you, don't say anything!