We Make a Good Family

We are experiencing loads of cuteness here at the Barrett household. June is 8 weeks along now and she's growing so fast! She weighed in at 13 lbs at 9 weeks. 23 1/4 inches long. I went shopping for 3-6 months clothes at some consignment children's stores. Yes, shopping for your daughter is just as fun as shopping for yourself. (Until she's 12 anyway)
June at 6 weeks bathing in the sink. Look at all those rolls!
This was playtime at Andrea's house!

She is making a lot more noises and smiles a lot. It's so fun to see her personality developing. She's pretty laid back like the rest of the family. We all sleep together, going to bed about 11 and getting up at 8 or 9. I feed June a couple of times without getting up. Attachment parenting = lazy parenting. I love it. I can't decide if she sleeps better in her crib. She has had longer stretches of sleep in her crib, but not always. And I don't have to get up to feed her. Bonus. Today we watched Rob Bell's Everything is Spiritual and June was awake the whole time. She played on her tummy, then swung at a ridiculous rattle turtle that must be pretty fascinating, because it kept her going for another 30 minutes, and then dozed for a little cat nap. Then all three of us took a nap from about 4-6, June and I in the bed and Kenny on the couch. We take some pretty good naps. Being a family is awesome.
