Mark the Date

This day is monumental in my life- I got eight hours of sleep last night!  Yes, that's right- eight glorious hours from 11 PM to 7 AM.  June has been getting better and better, but hasn't allowed this feat of me getting eight hours of sleep IN A ROW her whole entire life.  Including the months I had to get up to go pee in the middle of the night while I was pregnant, it has been a year and a half since I have slept 8 hours in a row.  If this explains any crazy, irritated tempers you have witnessed in this time, I hope you understand now.  I was just a walking zombie.  But hey, that's popular among some crowds.  Hopefully she will sleep just as good tonight!  And the next night!  And the next!


Dawn said…
i long for the day...its been about 3 years here...
Cookieman said…
Thanks, Junie B. It's about time you gave your mama a break!

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